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Future Voices - Amplifying the Voices of Migrant Domestic Workers in the UK!

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Migrant domestic workers are one of the most vulnerable groups of workers. The removal of our rights under the Overseas Domestic Worker visa in 2012 has left us unprotected, powerless and in severely exploitative work conditions. Given the current context, it has never been more important to hear directly from migrant domestic workers in our own words and in our own ways. It is migrant domestic workers that can offer the solutions for the change that is needed. We are the leaders – our voices just need to be heard.


Future Voices was launched in partnership with Sounddelivery Media in 2022 to nurture a network of spokespeople from the Voice of Domestic Workers so that there are a wider number of people who can undertake media opportunities, give public talks, speak to politicians and policy makers and be more prominent public campaigners. Since completing the programme, our Future Voices alumni have spoken at international conferences on domestic workers’ rights, appeared on global broadcast media including the BBC World Service and Channel 4 News, and written for national publications including the Independent and the Big Issue. Our Future Voices network is using their expertise to draw attention to the issues migrant domestic workers face, and the changes we want to see. 


We are so proud to have seen the success of both Future Voices I and II. Future Voices III is particularly special, as it marks the culmination of our three year collaboration with Sounddelivery Media, who will be handing the project over next year to us at the Voice of Domestic Workers. Moving forward, the project will be led by domestic workers who will deliver the training that they once undertook. We can’t wait to see where the programme goes next! 


Here, the members of Future Voices III introduce themselves and share why they are taking part in the programme:

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