Renera Ichon (Nera)
I want to develop more confidence to use my voice to speak out for myself and other domestic workers in front of people, the government, journalists and on social media
Nerisa Valerio
I want to raise awareness about the plight of migrant domestic workers in the UK and to improve their social protection. I want the government to recognise domestic work as decent work.
Wendelyn Nova
I want to be a social media Influencer where I can raise awareness of important issues and advocate for the rights of domestic workers everywhere
Sahara Mamatas
I want to create a network for Migrant Domestic Workers that will help keep us safe, protect our rights and to be able to provide immediate assistance when needed.
Marigold Balquen (Gigi)
I am a woman with a voice. I want to raise my voice so that those WITHOUT A Voice can be heard
Mimi Jalmasco
I want to challenge the wrong and inhumane system. I want to be an instrument to restore all the rights of domestic workers, give them justice and freedom not as victims but as workers with dignity.
Jenny Abenoja
Having a clear understanding, knowledge and skills to become a public spokeswoman will enable me to promote the importance of migrant domestic workers in the care economy and their well-being so the government and wider public will honour and respect us.
Dotty Fernandes
I want to raise awareness about the plight of migrant domestic workers in the UK and to improve their social protection. I want the government to recognise domestic work as decent work.
Dareen Pahayahay
I want to help domestic workers who are suffering from abuse and use my knowledge to help solve their issues so they can carry on with their lives and work in safety
Demetrio Masupil
I want to become a voice for the voiceless and to create more visibility and awareness of migrant domestic workers lives and experiences to help overcome the injustices that they face
Grace Nine
I want to be a voice for people who can't speak freely. I want to be confident in fighting for our rights as migrant domestic workers and as human beings.
Fawzia Zahria
I want to play my part to secure legal rights for migrant domestic workers that are fit for purpose. I want to be a positive inspiration to fellow domestic workers so we can be part of a bigger voice with a positive impact
Future Voices
Voice of Domestic Workers in Collaboration with SoundDelivery Media