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“Despite the uncertainties surrounding the work and living conditions of migrant domestic workers, I want to be the light and hope for my fellow domestic workers. Together we will bravely find the right path to be out of darkness.”


My name is Alice, and I am 44 years old. I’m the fifth child of seven children from the Philippines. When I was in the first grade, my father died due to liver cirrhosis, and that was the start of the suffering in mine and my family’s lives. At an early age, I started working by washing our neighbour’s clothes in order to survive day to day and buy food. In 2010, I decided to work abroad. The first country I worked in was Dubai, and this was very difficult. I had no rest, no days off, not enough food and a very low salary. The mother of my employer was also abusive. This employer brought me to the UK in August 2016. I have been a member of the Voice of Domestic Workers since then.


Voice of Domestic Workers in Collaboration with SoundDelivery Media

The Voice of Domestic Workers
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